Part of the History in the Making group of companies

Welcome to the Historic Firearms Research Group.

This group is dedicated to the study and understanding of classic and antique firearms paying particular attention to the small arms of the Great War and WW2.

Our regular seminars explore in great detail associated Firearms and weapons from all Nations. Focussing on design, manufacture and function.

All of our example pieces are genuine antique Historic Firearms. 

To enter our web site or to enrol onto any of our seminars you will first need to apply for membership to the group. Please follow the instructions on the ‘Register’ part of this Home Page. Please note that this group is not open to the general public. Membership is restricted to shooting club members, antiques firearms collectors associations, associated corporate groups, museum services, film and theatre associated groups. Each application is considered on an individual basis by our moderators.

Sign in to book seminars


In order to gain access to the web site and to enrol onto one of our seminars, you must first register for membership to the Historic Firearms Research Group.  After applying for registration, our admin team will notify you if your application is successful. Click here to register.

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